There are three main Internal art forms Tai chi, Ba gua, and Xing Yi, they all seem very different to begin with but over time with practice you can begin to see the similarities between them.
Tai Chi is a discipline of slow and controlled movement through a series of different postures to allow better energy flow around the body and strengthen your core whilst leaving you feeling calm and relaxed.
Ba Gua is a circular and spiraling art, where movements are performed whilst changing direction when walking the circle.
It requires strong discipline and good focus; Ba Gua is continuous circular movements, constantly changing in response to an attack.
Xing Yi Quan is considered the oldest of the three main styles of the internal arts, it is very linear and direct. Xing Yi, although performed relaxed, is the most explosive and aggressive of the three.
The translation for Qi Gong is life energy
Qi Gong is a meditative exercise where the practice of cultivating energy through a method of slow and gentle movements performed a specific number of times whilst controlling both your inward and outward breath.
With these movements and breathing control, you gently stretch your core muscles allowing an increase of oxygen rich blood to flow around the body, promoting good health flexibility and strengthening your core.
Qi Gong has been practiced in china for many years the knowledge and understanding has been passed down through many generations, Qi Gong dates back more than 10,000 Years